Sunday, July 24, 2011

Moving Prep 101

The Kitchen
How did that get here?

Now you can't fool me and try to say this has never happened to you. When we first moved in I had two large baskets of basket making supplies. Where to put them? In the drawers under the window seat in the kitchen.

Two years later, as I'm walking around my kitchen thinking I've got it ready for a move, I open up those drawers and those basket supplies are still there. I'd forgotten all about them. Three hand surgeries after I had taken basket making classes I think I'm finally ready to admit that I won't be making any more baskets.

Does anyone want these basket making supplies or know someone who does? Let me know and they are all yours. Otherwise they are going to the Thrift store where they will probably see it as trash, but it's good stuff if you make baskets. 

What is in your kitchen that you have totally forgotten about?  Or is there something in your refrigerator that you can't figure out how it got there? Move it out, throw it out or give it away!

Happy moving!

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