Friday, November 25, 2011

Go Nowhere Fast

When anxiety and fear take a grip on me I go nowhere fast. I lose my peace and my ability to think clearly. Anxiety prevents me from doing what I need to do. Fear hinders me from following God’s requests and I refuse to step into new areas which would require more faith.

When I recognize these feelings as they bombard my mind, I run through a few simple steps to get me back on track.
1. Realize I am there–again! STOP, breathe and pray.
“God I’m here again, stymied by this problem. It seems so big. I can’t move forward, instead I sit in a whirlpool of emotions going nowhere. Help!”
2. Ask God, “What’s next? What’s the next thing you want me to do?”
God often suggests a simple task which doesn’t seem related at all to my issue such as: go make dinner, take a break or finish the laundry. In the process of completing these tasks my heart rate slows down, my mind unfreezes and I turn the problem back over to God. Now I’m ready to hear from Him. I cease my obsession about the issue and listen to God.
3. Tell God what I fear, what I’m worried about and what bothers me.
4. Trust God to take care of me because He knows and works to achieve the best for me.
This is the hardest part for me, to trust God will take care of me and work for my best. His best does not always feel good and often requires lots of hard work. In the past, I’ve changed my behavior when I didn’t want to. I’ve dropped harmful and useless behaviors which were fun or felt good. I’ve forgiven those I didn’t want to forgive. When I look back on it now, God did know best.
5. Believe God knows best and ask again, “What do you want me to do right now?”
6. Obey God now. Don’t question, ask why, complain or stall.
Today He answered my prayer. “Sit and pray. Tell me all about it and then let’s take the next step together. Focus on the next thing and leave all the rest of those issues with me. I’m taking care of them and taking care of you. Let’s start your day in the normal way. I will guide you. I know the plans I have for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Let’s start now.”

Friday, November 18, 2011

Learning New Stuff

  Learned two new things this last week which if you are of the younger set will seem really funny- but I did it.
1. I learned to use an ATM machine. Went into the local USAA investment office and the gentleman at the counter showed me how to get money out of my account. Yeah me!
2. I learned how to take pictures on my phone while driving back from the PWOC Central Region conference. Have to do something to occupy 13 hours of driving.
Are you still learning new things? It’s fun!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Priorities 1 & 2

God and Health
The first Time Enough Priorities Group will cover God and Health. These are our first two priorities.
As a Christian your number one priority is God. This means you need to spend time with Him and with other believers in worship.
Our second priority is our health. Take care of you so you can take care of all the people you love and serve.
Consider these things:  

-Decide what you will study for your Bible study and write down on your calendar when you will do it.
-If you have homework from another study you are doing use that as your personal Bible study.
-Aim to spend time with God in Bible Study 5 days a week. Meditating on a verse is time with God.

-Regular moderate exercise is what will carry you through a life time.
-Plan to exercise 3 times per week. Walking is a great way to start.
-Write your exercise time down on your calendar.

-Use a salad size plate when you eat with your husband.
-Eat healthy when your husband is gone.
-Limit your favorite snack foods- i.e. 1 candy with a cup of tea. Moderation is the key or you will start to have a craving for what you are denying yourself.
-You can not change your husband. That is God's job.

…Even if any do not obey the Word (of God) they may be won over not by discussion but by the godly lives of their wives. I Peter 3:1
Photo by Linley Zook

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stop The Whine

Your kids whine, argue, backtalk and sass. Mine did too. I found I couldn’t stop it altogether, but I could slow it down.
Rules at our house are based on the Bible. This verse speaks about our words and the tone of voice we use.  “Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words; the kind that build up and provide what is needed…Ephesians 4:29.” GNT
In the Garden of Eden God told Adam and Eve what they could eat and not eat and the discipline if they did not obey Him.  When we train our children every rule needs a consequence when disobeyed.
The Rule: No sassing, whining or complaining
The Consequence: Under 12- Time Out equaling 1 minute more than they are old; Over 12- 25 cents for each infraction.
Tell the children the rules and consequences before you implement them. Post them in a visible spot for everyone to see. Ours went on the refrigerator door. After the rules were posted the kids chose to obey or deal with the consequence each time they talked.
Hint-When the kids need to obey the Bible it also applies to moms. You can’t yell at your kids to stop yelling and expect them to listen. Your children will follow your example more than your words. Show them how to talk by your kind and helpful words instead.