Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stop The Whine

Your kids whine, argue, backtalk and sass. Mine did too. I found I couldn’t stop it altogether, but I could slow it down.
Rules at our house are based on the Bible. This verse speaks about our words and the tone of voice we use.  “Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words; the kind that build up and provide what is needed…Ephesians 4:29.” GNT
In the Garden of Eden God told Adam and Eve what they could eat and not eat and the discipline if they did not obey Him.  When we train our children every rule needs a consequence when disobeyed.
The Rule: No sassing, whining or complaining
The Consequence: Under 12- Time Out equaling 1 minute more than they are old; Over 12- 25 cents for each infraction.
Tell the children the rules and consequences before you implement them. Post them in a visible spot for everyone to see. Ours went on the refrigerator door. After the rules were posted the kids chose to obey or deal with the consequence each time they talked.
Hint-When the kids need to obey the Bible it also applies to moms. You can’t yell at your kids to stop yelling and expect them to listen. Your children will follow your example more than your words. Show them how to talk by your kind and helpful words instead.

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